Description: This report shows the list of active courses within a building. This report shows all courses running during the current school year within a selected building.

Location of Report:, from the Menu select Reports -> Building Reports, under the Program/Course Reports section.


List of Courses for Buildings Report


Explanation of Columns:




Career Education Planning District (CEPD) number. The district in which the student is enrolled.

Fiscal Agency 

Name of the Fiscal Agency.

Oper Agency Name of the Operating Agency.
Oper Bldg Name of the Operating Building of the program.

Course Section Code (CSC) uniquely identifies a course within a building.

CIP Classification of Instructional Program(CIP) Code. Indicates classification of material taught in program.

Program Serial Number (PSN). System-generated unique identifier for a local program.

Course Name

Name of the course that  the student is enrolled in.


Room Number of where the course is being taught.

Hr The number of Hours in a single course instruction.
Bm Digit indicated for the beginning month of the course

Semester number.

1- First Semester

2- Second Semester

4 -Summer Semester

5- Special Semester

6- Trimester

MPW Minutes Per Week of course instruction.
NOW Number Of Weeks of in the course duration.
Start Course start date
End Course end date.
Staff Name of the course instructor.