Description This report reflects PSN-level student enrollment and funding data for all programs within a CEPD (in State Rank order).


Location of Report:, from the Menu, Select Reports and then select Funding Reports.  Select year and CEPD from right side panel. For public reports:, no login required. 




What Do I Need to Know About the Distribution of Section 61a1 (Added Cost) Funds?
● There are insufficient Section 61a1 funds available to reimburse all CTE programs.
● Therefore, a priority was established for distribution of Added Cost based on a 60/40% split (60% state determination/40% local determination)
● 60% of the Section 61a1 funds are distributed to the top 20 CIP Codes based on the State Rank List
● The State Rank List is determined by OCTE based on the following 3 equally-weighted factors:

  • Job Openings
  • Placement
  • Wages

● 40% of the Section 61a1 funds are distributed based on individual programs (PSNs) selected by each CEPD Administrator, and submitted via CEPD Options.


CEPD Level X0110

Column Headings

Explanation of Columns

Header (Upper-Left corner)

CEPD – 2-digit code that identifies the Career Education Planning District.

Share – reflects the CEPD’s portion (percentage and dollar amount) of the 40% CEPD Option funds.  CEPD Shares are calculated based on the total number of concentrators and completers in each CEPD, divided by the state total number of concentrators and completers.

CIP Code Classification of Instructional Program code – a 6-digit code assigned to each CTE program.  This report lists all programs in State Rank Order.

Program Name

The state-assigned program name of each CIP Code.


Rank Factor (1, 2.5, 5, 10) - this column reflects the rank factor (R) for each program, which is used in the formula to generate Section 61a1 funds. Only the top 20 programs on the State Rank List will receive a rank factor value greater than 1. Of the top 20 ranked programs, the top 7 programs have a rank factor of 10; the next 7 programs have a rank factor of 5; and the next 6 programs have a rank factor of 2.5. (All programs that fall below the top 20, have a rank factor of 1.)
Cost(2) Cost Factor (1, 5, 10) - this column reflects the cost factor (M) for each program, which is used in the formula to generate Section 61a1 funds. These cost factors are based on a 3-year average of the total expenditures per student, reported for each CIP Code – ranked from most expensive to least expensive. The top third of the programs (most
expensive) have a cost factor of 10; the next third of the programs have a cost factor of 5; and the bottom third of the programs have a cost factor of 1. 
Part(3) Participants – the number of students who completed less than 7 segments of a program.  Participants (E) are weighted 1 in the Section 61a1 funding formula.
Conc(4) Concentrators – the number of students who successfully completed 7 or more segments of a program (with a grade of 2.0 or better), but did not meet the requirements of a completer.  Concentrators (N) are weighted 5 in the Section 61a1 funding formula.
Comp(5) Completers – reflects the number of students who successfully completed 12 segments of a program (with a grade of 2.0 or better), and took the technical skills assessment test, if applicable.  Completers (C) are weighted 10 in the Section 61a1 funding formula.
60% PFV (6)

60% Program Formula Values – this column reflects the result of the following formula - for each program (CIP Code) that is in the top 20 CIP Codes on the State Rank List.

Formula:  [(Ex1) + (Nx5) + (Cx10)] x M x R = Program Formula Value (PFV)

Explanation:  [(Participants x 1) + (Concentrators x 5) + (Completers x 10)] x Cost Factor x Rank Factor = PFV

In order to calculate the amount of 60% Section 61a1 funds that each program CIP Code will generate, the Program Formula Value (for each PSN) in this column, is divided by the State Total 60% Program Formula Value to produce a fraction.  This fraction is then multiplied by the total amount of 60% funds to calculate the dollar amount for each program (PSN).

60% Funds(7) 60% Section 61a1 (Added Cost) Funds – this column reflects the amount of 60% funds generated by each program (PSN) that is in the top 20 CIP Codes on the State Rank List. 
40% PFV (8)

40% Program Formula Values – this column reflects the result of the following formula - for each program (PSN) in a specific CEPD - that was selected by the CEPD to generate 40% funds.

Formula:  [(Ex1) + (Nx5) + (Cx10)] x M = Program Formula Value (PFV)

Explanation:  [(Participants x 1) + (Concentrators x 5) + (Completers x 10)] x Cost Factor = PFV

Note:  The 40% formula values are calculated by individual CEPD.  In order to calculate the amount of 40% Section 61a1 funds each program (in a specific CEPD) will generate, each Program Formula Value in this column (for a specific CEPD) is divided by the CEPD Total 40% Program Formula Value (for that specific CEPD) to produce a fraction.  This fraction is then multiplied by the CEPD Share Amount (for that specific CEPD) to calculate the dollar amount generated for each program (PSN) in that specific CEPD.

40% Funds (9) 40% Section 61a1 (Added Cost) Funds – this column reflects the amount of 40% funds generated by each program (PSN) selected by the specific CEPD.  Note:  It is possible that a program (PSN) will generate both 60% and 40% funds – as CEPDs may choose to support specific PSNs (that generate 60%funds) with their CEPD Share (40%) funds.
Total (10) Total Section 61a1 (Added Cost) Funds – this column reflects the total Section 61a1 funds generated by each program (PSN) in a specific CEPD.


Funding Reports

  • The Section 61a(1) Funding Report by PSN (X0107)
  • Section 61a(1) Funding Report by CIP Code (X0108)
  • State Total Reimbursement by CIP Code and Pathway
  • State Total Section 61a(1) Funds (X0110 Summary)
  • The CEPD Total Section 61a(1) Funds (X0110 CEPD)
  • District Total Reimbursement (X0106)