Description: This report will list all of the Perkins Secondary Performance Evaluation Indicators. This includes the all the secondary Core Performance Indicators (CPIs): 1S1- Reading Academic Achievement; 1S2 - Mathematics Academic Achievement, 2S1 - Technical Skill Assessment, 3S1 - School Completion, 4S1 - Graduation Rate, 5S1 Placement, 6S1 -Nontraditional Participation, 6S2 - Nontraditional Completion.

Location of Report:, from the Menu, select Reports and then select Year End Reports. Select Perkins Secondary Performance Evaluation- Area Totals

How to Run the Report: Select the Operating Building using the drop-down list and then select the Report Parameters as per your requirement. Click Launch Report to create your report.



Explanation of Program Descriptors, Rows, and Columns

Heading Description
CEPD Number

A 2-digit code that identifies the Career Education Planning District in which the CTE program is located.

Fiscal Agency A 5-digit district code and name that identifies the fiscal agency of the CTE program.
Operating Building a 5-digit code and name that identifies the district that operates the CTE program.
CIP Code Classification of Instructional Program Code – a 6-digit code assigned to each CTE program. (The CIP Code appears in parenthesis.)
CIP Name Identifies the program name that the CIP Code represents.
Core Performance Indicator The category for which the totals are generated.
State Required The required percentage that the category needs to be equal to or higher than.
State Actual The State total of the category (numerator, denominator and percentage).
CEPD The CEPD total of the category (numerator, denominator and percentage) for the given criteria (if able to).
Fiscal Agency The Fiscal Agency total of the category (numerator, denominator and percentage) for the given criteria (if able to).
Operating Building The Operating Building total of the category (numerator, denominator and percentage) for the given criteria (if able to).