Image of Sample Questions in Section C regarding Employment

Responding “Yes” to question Part A:1b will open up “Part B” and “Part C” because we would like to get more information on how you were prepared for the educational and work experience. Please provide as much information as you can. To help you understand the questions and answer them correctly we have provided detailed explanations for each one of them.


Now, I’d like to talk about your job as it relates to your (selected) program.

You are now moving to the topic of employment for the next set of questions (Q6-Q9). Skip to Part D if you are not currently employed.


6. On your job, how much would you say you’re using the skills you were taught? Would you say you use them… a lot, some, hardly ever, or not at all?

Purpose: This question reveals whether your current job relates to the CTE programs you completed or your chosen career pathway.

Response Coding: “A lot,” “Some,” “Hardly ever,” or “Not at all.”

Continuation to next question: Go to Q7.

Uses of the data: The State uses the data in reports of full and part-time employment, hourly wage, and job satisfaction. Additionally, it is used to compute related placement, which the State uses to decide program rank for Added Cost funding purposes (“related” employment is compared to “unrelated” employment in reporting).


7. How strongly do you agree with the statement, “I am satisfied with my present job?” Do you… strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree?


Purpose: This question gives a measure of job satisfaction.

Response Coding: “Strongly agree,” “Agree,” “Disagree,” or “Strongly disagree.”

Continuation to next question: Go to Q8.

Uses of the data: This item gives data used when reporting job satisfaction for “related” and “unrelated” employment in state reports, and for reasons of local program improvement.


8. How many hours a week do you work? ________ hrs/week

8a. If not specific: Would you say it’s 35 hrs a week or more?  Yes ‚ No

Purpose: Both parts of this question attempt to identify the number of hours per week worked to determine whether the employment is full-time or part-time.

Response Coding: Record the specific hours per week in Q8. If you are unsure, answer question Q8a instead. If you are working at least 35 hours per week, answer “Yes.” If the time worked is less than 35 hours per week, answer “No.”

Continuation to next question: Go to Q9.

Uses of the data: The data reveal whether you are currently working full-time or part-time. The State uses this information on various reports, and interviewers may use it to help estimate an hourly rate of pay.

Potential Problem: You may have more than one job or work two part-time jobs.

Solution: Combine the jobs to determine the total hours worked in a week.



9. Including tips and commissions, how much do you make an hour (or week, or month, or year)?

$ _______ / [] hr  [] wk  [] mo  [] yr


-> Skip to comments




Purpose: This question tries to identify your rate of pay.

Response Coding: Record the hourly wage as given in the “Wages” space provided, then select the corresponding pay period option in the provided drop-down menu. If you work as a volunteer or are otherwise unpaid, you may select the “Student is unpaid” option.

Continuation to next question: Skip to closing comments.

Uses of the data: The State uses this data when reporting hourly wages for “related” and “unrelated” employment in state reports. These data, when applied to specific programs, help disclose areas in which completers are more successful.

Potential Problem: You have more than one job.

Solution: Combine and estimate the overall wage.

Potential Problem: What is included or excluded as part of the pay rate? There are many forms of pay besides a base pay.

Solution: Appendix C provides a list of types of pay to include and exclude as pay based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).



Include as pay Exclude as Pay
  • Ÿ Base Rate
  • Ÿ Commissions
  • Ÿ Cost-of-Living Allowance
  • Ÿ Tips
  • Ÿ Deadheading Pay (e.g., free tickets)
  • Ÿ Guaranteed Pay
  • Ÿ Hazard Pay
  • Ÿ Incentive Pay
  • Ÿ Longevity Pay
  • Ÿ On-call Pay
  • Ÿ Piece Rate
  • Ÿ Portal-to-Portal Rate
  • Production Bonus
  • ŸAttendance Bonus
  • ŸBack Pay
  • ŸDraw
  • ŸHoliday Premium Pay
  • ŸJury Duty Pay
  • ŸLodging Payments
  • Meal Payments

  • Merchandise Discount

  • Nonproduction Bonus (e.g.,Holiday Bonus)

  • ŸOvertime Pay

  • ŸPerquisites (an incidental profit, gain or privilege)

  • Profit Sharing Payment

  • Ÿ Relocation Allowance

  • Tuition Repayments

  • Severance Pay

  • ŸShift Differential

  • Stock Bonuses

  • Tool Allowance

  • Vacation Pay

  • Weekend Pay

  • Uniform Allowance

*Based on Bureau of Labor Statistics