Career & Technical Education Follow-Up Report: T1608

Location of Report:, from the Menu, select Reports and then select Follow Up Reports.
Data Available from: FY 2008 onwards
Data Cycle: Annual (typically available in October each year)

What does the T1608 Report Contain?

The T1608 Report shows the raw count and percent of responses to each of the items on the CTE Follow-up survey. The count and percent for each item is shown separately for students and proxies (persons answering on behalf of a student) in the first two columns. Some questions cannot be answered by proxy respondents. For these items, values are shown only for student responses. The total count, including both student and proxy answers (if any) is shown in the far right column, along with the total percent. The total is shown in the last row of each section. Note that not all respondents answered every question. You can find the percent of respondents who answered a particular question on this report. This report also provides data that can be used to calculate values for numbers and percentages shown on the X0610 report. The report also includes data provided by the school, including numbers of students by gender, race/ethnic group, graduation status, adult education status, participation in co-op programs and special needs status (duplicated count). If you want to compare the responses for your CEPD, program or district to state values, you will need to compare it to the state-level report.

Looking at page 1 of the 2014 State-level report shown in Appendix A, you see a column titled 'Current Status' which lists Item 1a. In a training program or attending school or college.' You will see that 8,298 students answered 'yes' to this item, which was 76.4% of the students who responded to the survey. An additional 3,296 proxy respondents reported that the student was currently in a training program, school or college, which represented 73.8% of the proxy respondents. In total, the report shows that 11,594 former students were currently in a training program, school or college, out of 15,328 responses to the survey for a total percentage of 75.6% of those responding. Note that in 0 cases (0.0% of the surveys returned) no response was entered for this survey item. The last line of each section lists the number of surveys completed by students, proxies and total.

How does the XO611 work?

The T1608 report comes in five levels of detail:

  1. State
  2. Region
  3. CEPD
  4. Fiscal (By CEPD)
  5. Building (By CEPD)

The local district level has two versions, fiscal agency (d) and building (e). To know which level you have, look in the upper left corner of each page. You will find "STATE" or "REGION XY" or "CEPD XY."
The five different "levels" that are available can be grouped within three groups. The three groups are:

  1. Fiscal (All 5 levels)
  2. Pathway (3 levels only; State, Region, and CEPD)
  3. CIP Code (All 5 levels)

Because of the complexity of the information provided, each report only displays the information specific to that level. For comparison purposes, it is necessary to compare to separate reports for other levels, such as the state level.

What are the rows and columns of information/data within this Report?

The data for this report is provided within 4 major headings. They are:

  1. Current Status
  2. School or Training
  3. Employment
  4. School Provided Items


Items 1a through 1f – Education, Employment, Military or Other

These items asked about the current status of the former CTE student, specifically, whether the student was now in continuing education, the military or employed. Note that a respondent may answer 'yes' to more than one item (such as completers who were both employed and in school). Therefore, you must refer to the X0610 report or X0611 report for information that requires calculations using multiple items, such as total or related placement rates. Interviewers were directed to verify each item and enter 'yes' or 'no,' however some items were left blank. These are noted as 'not answered' on the report. Items not answered may include respondents who did not know the answer, or who refused to answer.
Item 1f lists current status for CTE completers who were not employed, in continuing education or in the military. (Respondent answered 'no' to all items 1a through 1e). In some cases, this information was reported by a proxy respondent. This information may be helpful in interpreting the information in the reports since some of these completers may not be available for work or continuing education. It also may be helpful in understanding other information, for example, it may be helpful to know the statewide number of completers who were employed, but on seasonal layoff at the time of the survey. Categories include "On Seasonal Layoff" and "Unpaid Leave/Hospitalized/Jail/Deceased. "Not applicable" includes those who answered one or more items 1a through 1e.

Item 2
Item 2 asked the respondents if they had received any State or industry recognized licensure or certification after completing their CTE program of study.


Items 3 and 3a - Related Continuing Education

This survey item asked student respondents how much they use the skills they learned in their secondary CTE program in their current area of study or training. The item was used to categorize their continuing education as 'related' or 'unrelated' to their secondary CTE program. Former students who answered 'a lot' or 'some' were categorized as placed in 'related' continuing education. Those who answered 'hardly ever' or 'not at all' were categorized as in continuing education not related to the secondary CTE program. Since the item measures the viewpoint of the former student, only responses from former students, not from proxy respondents, were collected. Only respondents who answered 'yes' to items 1a (in a training program, school or college) or 1b (apprenticeship) were asked this question. The report shows the number for whom this item did not apply because they were not in continuing education. It also shows the numbers who were in continuing education or an apprenticeship but did not answer the question. Under the proxy column, the total numbers who were in continuing education is shown under 'not answered' because proxy respondents were not asked this question.
Item 3a asked former students if they anticipated using their secondary CTE training in the future. In the 2014 survey, this item was not used when computing 'relatedness' of continuing education. Only those who answered item 3 'hardly ever' or 'not at all' were asked this question. The report shows the number for whom this item did not apply because they were not in continuing education and the number who did not answer the question. The 'not answered' total includes those who were not asked the question because they answered 'a lot' or 'some' to item 3 or because they were proxy respondents.

Item 4 – Type of school

This item asked the respondent whether the former student is currently attending a business or trade school, community college, college or university, military or other type of school. Only respondents who answered 'yes' to items 1a (in a training program, school or college) or 1b (apprenticeship) were asked this question. The report shows the number for whom this item did not apply because they were not in continuing education. It also shows the numbers who were in continuing education or an apprenticeship but did not answer the question. Under the proxy column, the total numbers who were in continuing education is shown under 'not answered' because proxy respondents were not asked this question.

Item 5 – Type of program

This item asked what type of educational program the former student is pursing; apprenticeship, on-the-job-training, certificate, associate degree, Bachelor's degree or other. Only respondents who answered 'yes' to items 1a (in a training program, school or college) or 1b (apprenticeship) were asked this question. The report shows the number for whom this item did not apply because they were not in continuing education. It also shows the numbers who were in continuing education or an apprenticeship but did not answer the question. Under the proxy column, the total numbers who were in continuing education is shown under 'not answered' because proxy respondents were not asked this question.


Item 6 – Related Employment

This survey item asked student respondents how much they use the skills they learned in their secondary CTE program in their current job. The item was used to categorize their employment as 'related' or 'unrelated' to their secondary CTE program. Former students who answered 'a lot' or 'some' were categorized as placed in 'related' employment. Those who answered 'hardly ever' or 'not at all' were categorized as in a job not related to the secondary CTE program. Since the item measures the viewpoint of the former student, only responses from former students, not from proxy respondents, were collected. Only respondents who answered 'yes' to item c (working) were asked this question. The report shows the number for whom this item did not apply because they were not working. It also shows the numbers who were working but did not answer the question. Under the proxy column, the total numbers who were working is shown under 'not answered' because proxy respondents were not asked this question.

Item 7 – Job Satisfaction

This item asked former students to indicate how satisfied they were with their current job. Only student respondents who answered 'yes' to item c (working) were asked this question. Since the item measures the viewpoint of the former student, only responses from former students, not from proxy respondents, were collected. Former students who answered 'strongly agree' or 'agree' were categorized as 'satisfied.' The report shows the number for whom this item did not apply because they were not working. It also shows the numbers who were working but did not answer the question. Under the proxy column, the total numbers who were working is shown under 'not answered' because proxy respondents were not asked this question.

Items 8 and 8a – Hours Worked

This item asked those who answered 'yes' to item c (working) how many hours per week they worked. Responses are shown grouped by category. Note that 35 or more hours per week were categorized as 'full-time' employment and less than 35 hours per week were categorized as 'part-time' employment. The report shows the number for whom this item did not apply because they were not employed and the number who reported that they were employed but who did not respond to this question.
Respondents who could not provide an exact number of hours worked per week were asked whether it was 35 hours per week or more. Only those who were employed but did not answer question number 7 were asked question 7a. The report shows the number who answered 'yes' or 'no.' The number who did not answer is shown and includes those who were not asked because they answered question 7. The report also shows the number for whom the question did not apply because they were not employed.

Item 9 – Average Hourly Wage

This item asks respondents to report how much the completer currently earns per hour including tips and commissions. The report shows the number and percent in each wage category. It also shows the number for whom the item does not apply because they were not employed and the number who reported that they were employed but did not answer.

Item 10 – Currently looking for a job

If the completer was not currently working, this item asked if he or she was looking for work. The report shows the number and percent who said 'yes' and 'no.' It also shows the number who were not asked because they were currently employed and the number who were not employed but who did not answer.


Item – 1 Gender

This item shows the number of completers for whom surveys were returned who were male, female or for whom gender information was not provided.

Item 2 – Racial/Ethnic Group

This item shows the number and percent of completers for whom surveys were returned by racial/ethnic group. The information was provided by the school and was not collected as part of the CTE follow-up survey.

Item 3 – Graduation Data

This item shows the number and percent of completers for whom surveys were returned who had and had not graduated from high school. It also shows the number and percent for whom this information was not provided. The information was provided by the school.

Item 4 – Special Populations Students This item shows the number and percent of completers for whom surveys were returned who were reported on the 4301 end-of-year report as belonging to one or more special population categories. The report provides a duplicated count by category. This means that a former student may be counted in more than one category, such as both a single parent and economically disadvantaged. Therefore, the total given does not add up to the total number of respondents. See the CTEIS Data Code Manual for definition used to identify students.


T1608 (2014)

T1608 Report