Definition: Class listing of Students with a Segment Q.

It is available on the CTEIS website, from the menu: Reports -> Building Reports.

Segment Q Class List Report



Explanation of Columns:




Career Education Planning District (CEPD) number


Fiscal Agency of the program.


Operating Building of the program.


Program Serial Number (PSN). System-generated unique identifier for a local program.

Cip Code

Classification of Instructional Program(CIP) Code. Indicates classification of material taught in program.


Course Section Code (CSC) uniquely identifies a course within a building.

Course Name

Name of the course that  the student is enrolled in.

Student Name

First name and Last Name of the student taking a CTE course as it appears on a birth certificate, legal document, or enrollment form presented at time of enrollment.


 Unique Identifier Code (UIC) is a unique 10 digit number used to identify a student.

Completer Status

The completion status for the student in this program. The indicators are:

Completer: A student who has met the criteria to complete a CTE Program.
Enrolled: A student who is currently enrolled in a CTE program.
Leaver: A student who has officially withdrawn from the program and/or has exited school. 
Concentrator: A student who has completed 7 or more segments and has not already completed another CTE program in the same CIP code.

# of Segments

Number of segments completed. Segments represent locally defined program standards.

Assessment Status

 Indicates if assessment was taken. The values are:

Not Taken: indicates that the student did not take the assessment.

Taken: indicates that the student took the assessment.

'- ' : indicates that the student is  enrolled in class and is not considered either a Concentrator and completer and thus does not qualify for assessment as yet.