Description: This report shows the listing of student counts in programs by Sending Building.

Location of Report:, from the Menu select Reports -> Building Reports.



Explanation of Columns:




Career Education Planning District (CEPD) number. The district in which the student is enrolled.

Fiscal Agency 

Name of the Fiscal Agency.

Oper. Agency

Name of the Operating Agency.


Name of the Operating Building of the program.


System-generated unique identifier for a local program, along with the name of the local program.

Home Facility

Students' building in which the student is enrolled from.


Total number of females enrolled in the specified Home facility.


Total number of males enrolled in the specified Home facility.


Total number of students enrolled in the specified Home facility.

Total Program - Program name - Count Total number of students in the program.
Total Building Count - Building name - Count Total number of students in the Building.
Total District - District name- Count Total number of students in the District.