In this section, you will find a collection of tutorials to assist you in your understanding of Michigan CTE enrollment data collection requirements. Manuals, instructional videos, and other support materials can be used individually or in conjunction with web training sessions and are here for your use at any time.   

New User Information

The New User Information section is designed for users new to the CTEIS system. This section provides an overview, background information on the Michigan Career and Technical Education processes, a yearly deadline calendar, and individual collection submission details. 



Fall Enrollment Tasks

This section identifies and details all the processes and requirements CTE Building Reports need to consider and complete for enrollments during the fall period. 


Spring Enrollment Tasks

This section identifies and details all the processes and requirements CTE Building Reporters need to consider and complete for enrollments during the spring period.  


CTEIS Year End

This section identifies and details all the processes and requirements CTE Building Reporters need to consider and complete for CTE Enrollment requirements.